Over 20 years of successful grant proposals with high hit rate.

Grants Awarded 

Principal Investigator: 14 Phase I; 2 Phase II SBIR/STTR Awards.
Co-Investigator: 3 Phase I SBIR/STTR Awards.
Co-Principal Investigator: 1 CIRM Early Translation Award

(NINDS) Dana Larocca (PI) 04/15/2019-03/31/2021 Phase I STTR
Novel Highly Regenerative and Scalable Progenitor Cell Exosomes for Treating Stroke. 

1R43AR074351-01 (NIAMS) Dana Larocca (PI) 09/01/2018-08/31/2020 Phase I SBIR Metabolically Reprogrammed Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Treating Osteoporosis.  

1R43GM108198-01A1 (NIGMS) Dana Larocca (PI) 05/01/14-04/30/15 Phase1 SBIR
Cell Targeting Peptides for Isolating Patient Specific Stem Cells .

1R43GM105155-01 (NIGMS) Dana Larocca (PI) 09/01/13-08/30/15 Phase 1 SBIR
Reagents for Targeted Ablation of Residual Contaminating Pluripotent Stem Cells.  

1R43GM108168-01A1 (NIGMS) Dana Larocca (PI) 09/01/13-08/30/15 Phase1 SBIR
Rapid Multiplexed Nanoprobe Assays to Detect Stem Cell Differentiation.  

TR1-01276 (CIRM) Dana Larocca (Co-PI) 08/01/09 – 08/31/12 Early Translational Research Award Addressing the Cell Purity and Identity Bottleneck through Generation and Expansion of Clonal Human Embryonic Progenitor Cell Lines . 

1R43DK085871-01 (NIDDK) Dana Larocca (PI) 07/01/2009-06/30/2012 Phase1 SBIR
Functional Selection of Novel Ligands from the Neuroendrocrine Secretome.  

1R43GM088984-01 (NIGMS) Dana Larocca (PI) 09/01/2009-08/31/2011 Phase1 SBIR
Antibodies Targeting Novel Surface Antigens on Pluripotent Stem Cell Derivatives.  

1R43HD061145-01 (NICHD) Dana Larocca (PI) 09/01/09-08/31/11 Phase1 SBIR
Double-Gated Selection of Ligands that Target Surface Markers of Differentiation. 

1R43GM085964-01 (NIGMS) Dana Larocca (PI) 09/01/08-11/09 Phase1 SBIR
New Tools for Identifying, Tracking and Isolating Human Progenitor Cells.  

1R43GM083397-01 (NIGMS) Dana Larocca (PI) 01/17/08 – 07/16/08 Phase 1 SBIR
Defining Therapeutic Potential of Clonal Stem Cell Populations using Targeted Nanoparticles.

1R41DE018255-01 (NIDCR) Dana Larocca (PI) 9/22/06 – 9/22/08 Phase 1 STTR
Directed Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells using Phage Displayed Ligands. 

1R43NS048690-01 (NINDS) Michael Burg (PI) 7/01/04 – 3/31/05 Phase 1 SBIR (Co-Investigator) Molecular Development of Peptidic CNS Drugs.  .

1R43GM069190-01 (NIGMS) Dana Larocca (PI) 9/10/03 – 4/01/04 Phase 1 SBIR
Identification of Natural Mesenchymal Stem Cell Ligands.

1R43HL074685-01 (NHLBI) Peggy Faix (PI) 9/01/03 - 3/31/04 Phase1 SBIR (Co-Investigator) Identification of Internalizing Cardio-Specific Ligands.  

2R44DK057985-02 (NIDDK) Dana Larocca (PI) 8/15/01 – 8/31/03 Phase2 SBIR
Genetic Selection of Gene Transfer Peptides from Phage Display Libraries.  

1R43DK057985-01; (NIDDK) Dana Larocca (PI) 8/15/00 – 6/30/01 Phase1 SBIR
Genetic Selection of Gene Transfer Peptides from Phage Display Libraries.  

2R43CA080515-02 (NCI) Dana Larocca (PI) 1/01/00 – 12/31/02 Phase2 SBIR
Targeting Bacteriophages to Mammalian Cells for Gene Delivery.  

1R43CA080515-01 (NCI) Dana Larocca (PI) 3/01/99 – 8/31/99 Phase1 SBIR
Targeting Bacteriophages to Mammalian Cells for Gene Delivery.  

1R41CA072378-01 (NCI) Dorothea Becker (PI) 9/30/96 – 9/29/96 Phase1 STTR (Co-Investigator) Evaluation of FGFR-1 Mab for Melanoma Detection & Treatment.  

Grant Review Panels